2015. Democratizing Inequalities: Dilemmas of the New Public Participation (with Caroline Lee and Edward Walker, eds.), NYU Press, 2015
2012. Remaking Urban Citizenship: Organizations, Institutions, and the Right to the City (with Michael Peter Smith, eds.), Transaction, 2012.
Academic Articles
2022. (with Nuno F. da Cruz, Philipp Rode, Nicole Badstuber, and Enora Robin) "Networked Urban Governance: A Socio-spatial analysis of transport strategies in London and New York." Urban Affairs Review, 1-42
2018. (with Nuno F. da Cruz and Philipp Rode) "New urban governance: A review of current themes and future priorities, Journal of Urban Affairs, 41(1): 1-19.
2017. "The revolt of the rust belt: Place and politics in the age of anger." British Journal of Sociology, 68(S1): 120-152.
2013. (with Naresh Fernandes and Cassim Shepard) "The field of struggle, the office, and the flat: Protest and aspiration in a Mumbai slum". Public Culture, 25(2): 315-348.
2013. (with Nicole Marwell) "People, place, and system: Organizations and the renewal of urban social theory". ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 647 (1): 126-143.
2013. "Community organizations in the foreclosure crisis: The failure of neoliberal civil society." Politics and Society, 41(1): 73-101.
2013. "No contest: Participatory technologies and the transformation of urban authority." Public Culture, 25(1): 143-175.
2011. (with Norman Krumholz) "Institutionalized social skill and the rise of mediating organizations in urban governance: The case of the Cleveland Housing Network". Housing Policy Debate, 21(3): 421-442.
2009. (with Nicole Marwell) "The missing organizational dimension in urban sociology". City and Community, 8(3): 247-268.
2008. (with Doug Guthrie) "Providing for the public good: Corporate-community relations in the era of the receding welfare state". City and Community, 7(2): 113-139.
2005. (with Doug Guthrie) "Privatization and low-income housing in the United States since 1986". Research in Political Sociology, 14: 15-51.
2022. (with Benjamin Case) Majority Rules: The Battle for Ballot Initiatives, Research Report of the Center for Work and Democracy, Arizona State University
2020. “Race and Participation in the Neoliberal City: Black Politics in Cleveland, 1965-2010. In Thomas Sugrue and Andrew Diamond (eds.), Neoliberal Cities: The Remaking of Postwar Urban America. NYU Press.
2015. “Rising Participation and Declining Democracy” (with Caroline Lee and Edward Walker). Pp. 3-23 in Michael McQuarrie, Caroline Lee, and Edward Walker (eds.), Democratizing Inequalities: Dilemmas of the New Public Participation. NYU Press.
2015. “Realizing the Promise of Public Participation in an Age of Inequality” (with Caroline Lee and Edward Walker). Pp. 247-250 in Michael McQuarrie, Caroline Lee, and Edward Walker (eds.), Democratizing Inequalities: Dilemmas of the New Public Participation. NYU Press.
2015. “No Contest: Participatory Technologies and the Transformation of Urban Authority.” Pp. 83-101 in in Michael McQuarrie, Caroline Lee, and Edward Walker (eds.), Democratizing Inequalities: Dilemmas of the New Public Participation. NYU Press.
2013. “Postindustrial Society.” In Vicki Smith, ed. Sociology of Work. Thousand Oaks: Sage, pp. 694-696.
2012. (With Michael Peter Smith) “Introduction,” pp. 1-10 in Michael Peter Smith and Michael McQuarrie, eds. Remaking Urban Citizenship: Organizations, Institutions, and the Right to the City. Piscataway, NJ: Transaction.
2012. (With Craig Calhoun) “The Reluctant Counterpublic.” Pp. 152-181 in Craig Calhoun, The Roots of Radicalism: Tradition, the Public Sphere, and Early Nineteenth-Century Social Movements. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
2010. “Nonprofits and the Reconstruction of Urban Governance: Housing Production and Community Development in Cleveland, 1975-2005.” Pp. 237-268 in Elisabeth Clemens and Doug Guthrie, eds., Politics and Partnerships: Associations and Nonprofit Organizations in American Governance. Chicago: University of Chicago Press
2009. “Community Development Organizations.” In The International Encyclopedia of Civil Society, edited by Helmut Anheier and Stefan Toepler. New York: Springer
2007. (With Craig Calhoun) “Public Discourse and Political Experience: T.J. Wooler and Transformations of the Public Sphere in Early 19th Century Britain.” Pp. 197-239 in Alex Benchimol and Willy Maley, eds. Spheres of Influence: Intellectual Publics and Public Intellectuals from Milton to Habermas, Frankfurt: Peter Lang AG.
2006. (With Doug Guthrie) “Houses for the Poor and New Business for Banks: The Creation of a Market for Affordable Housing.” Pp. 249-258 in Business Solutions for Addressing Global Poverty, John Quelch and Kash Rangan, eds. Hoboken: Jossey-Bass
Essays, Op-Eds, Blogs, Interviews
2022. (with Benjamin Case) "The Left Won Big with Ballot Initiatives. That's Why They're under Attack." Jacobin, November 17, 2022.
2022. (with Benjamin Case) "Ballot Initiatives Reveal a Battle Between Voters and Legislators." LSE USApp, November 2, 2022.
2022. (with Benjamin Case) "Ballot Initiatives are the Hidden Voting Rights Issue in this Election Cycle." Jacobin, October 28, 2022.
2020. "Attacking Police Unions Will Hurt the Whole Labor Movement." Washington Post, June 11.
2019. "Meet Your Council: Michael McQuarrie." Work in Progress Blog, January 28.
2017. "Reflecting on Michael McQuarrie's 'Revolt of the Rust Belt'", LSE USAPP Blog, November 21.
2017. "Michael McQuarrie on Writing for Blogs", LSE Impact of Social Sciences Blog, November 17.
2017. "Resistances and Authoritarian Threat." Mobilizing Ideas, July 24.
2016. “How the Rust Belt Delivered Trump a Presidency.” Newsweek Online, November 16.
2016. "The Revolt of the Rust Belt: A Closer Analysis of Trump's Victory." Public Seminar, November 15.
2016. “Trump’s Victory and the Revolt of the Rust Belt.” Scroll.in, November 14.
2016. "Trump and the Revolt of the Rust Belt." LSE USAPP Blog, November 11, 2016.
2016. “From Solidarity to Trump: White Working-Class Culture in the Rust Belt.” New Politics Online, August 19.
2014. "Democratizing Inequalities." openDemocracy, March 25.
2014. "Financial Destruction in Detroit." Shelterforce Blog, February 4.
2014. "The Making of the English Working Class and Social Movement Studies Fifty Years Later." Mobilizing Ideas, January 7.
2013. "Feature Essay: The Books that Inspired Michael McQuarrie: Mike Davis' Work Connected with My Own Experience of Urban Transformation in New York." LSE Review of Books, December 8.
2013. "Take Note: Berlin Thrives with a Declining Population and a Housing Surplus." Shelterforce Blog, December 4.
2013. “What Mumbai’s Slums Do Right, And Why We Should Emulate Them.” Shelterforce (Winter).
2013. "In India, Large-Scale Housing Solutions Don't Work." Shelterforce Blog, August 13.
2013. "Detroit: Exception or Rule?" Shelterforce Blog, July 24.
2013. “Sexual Danger and the Indian Transformation.” The Hindu (op-ed), January 11.
2012. “Beyond The Walls.” Hindustan Times (op-ed), April 22.
2010. “ESOP Rises Again.” Shelterforce, 161 (Spring)
2009. "CDCs Must Recognize Changing Conditions." Shelterforce Blog, January 31.
2008. “Running on Empty.” Shelterforce, 153 (Spring)
2007. “A Conversation with Craig Calhoun,” ESS Notes, 21, 4
2006. “Knowledge Production, Publicness, and the Structural Transformation of the University: An Interview with Craig Calhoun,” Thesis Eleven, 84: 103-114